Events - Month View
The event calendar shows upcoming club events. Select a view then use the navigation buttons to move
between dates. Click on the event to view more information, including the event description, times,
location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen.
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Big Dipper Lodge at Cherry Springs
Big Dipper Lodge at Cherry Springs
At Cherry Springs State Park. Waitlist only as of August 7.
Big Dipper Lodge at Cherry Springs
At Cherry Springs State Park. Waitlist only as of August 7.
Big Dipper Lodge at Cherry Springs
At Cherry Springs State Park. Waitlist only as of August 7.
Big Dipper Lodge at Cherry Springs
Fort Washington State Park
Militia Hill Pavilion MHL-3
Picnic & astronomy workshops, followed by observing session weather permitting. All are invited. There will be food!
Community Day at Limerick Township Community Park (weather permitting) from 11am - 3pm at 180 Swamp Pike, Limerick, PA
Model Airplane Field at Valley Forge National Historical Park
Rain/cloud date Sept. 15th
Monthly DVAA Astrophotography Workshop Open Session.
Family Camping Event; Telescope Operators needed 8:30-10:00pm.
Regional overnight star party in Belleplain State Forest
Regional overnight star party in Belleplain State Forest
Regional overnight star party in Belleplain State Forest
Regional overnight star party in Belleplain State Forest